Qigong Wellness Saltburn


  • Golden Ball Fitness Qigong Instructor for health and wellness – Basic Grade

Contact:  @qigongwellnesssaltburn Instagram & Facebook


“I am Lesley from Qigong Wellness Saltburn.

I studied the Golden Ball Qigong Instructor Course as I was looking for an alternative to teaching Yoga. My students were finding it challenging to get up and down off the floor. I was so happy to find that Qigong provided the solution as this form of exercise can be done in a chair or standing.

When I phoned the UK College of Qigong I knew after hearing the teacher’s voice, it was right for me. We shared so much in common, and I loved the importance and respect for lineage within the College. The three regulations were woven through our teachings from module to module, but when we were taught the third regulation of visualization, everything really fitted into place for me. The imagery used resonated so much, I will carry it through to my students in my own courses.

The world can look a little grey when life throws us its challenges. I now look forward to sharing Golden Ball Qigong with the people of Saltburn – to help them ‘switch on the sunrise’ in themselves and thrive again.”