Feel Good Fitness


  • Golden Ball Fitness Qigong Instructor – Basic Grade
  • Pulling Down the Heavens Qigong Instructor – Basic Grade

Contact: Feel Good Fitness With Jackie Facebook and Instagram

Website: www.feelgoodfitnesswithjackie.com


“My interest was first spiked when I saw an Instagram post from the UK College of Qigong showing ‘Pulling Down the Heavens’. It came at a time when everything in my world was moving at a frantic pace, and I was struggling to keep up. This type of exercise was a complete change of pace. It was something I didn’t think I could manage – however, I really wanted to give it a go.

I got in touch with the College and had a very fruitful chat about what Qigong was and how it could work for me. We even did a talk on IG to explain the practise and discuss its benefits for a large range of people. The enthusiasm and knowledge of my teacher along with her genuine love of what she does convinced me that I might find something to challenge me, so I enrolled for the Golden Ball Fitness Qigong Course.

The first Zoom session was a 1-1 as I was coming from a fitness perspective rather than an energy one. This was essential as I did have misgivings about energy work which is way out of my comfort zone. After 2 hours in the afternoon session which concentrated on the movements themselves, I began to appreciate how this type of movement could benefit both me and my class members. Both ‘Pulling Down the Heavens Qigong’ and ‘Golden Ball Qigong’ require flowing movements, mindful breath and visualisation work which brings a sense of calm as you work through them. I now do ‘Pulling Down the Heavens after getting up each morning’ as a reset for the day ahead.

Between each Zoom meeting I had a myriad of questions which were answered with patience and clarity, and I also had some challenges to keep me motivated. One of these was to perform ‘Pulling Down the Heavens’ in an outdoor area. To say I was a bit apprehensive is an understatement, but it was surprisingly uplifting.

On a personal front I have found that performing the 2 low impact exercises definitely improves my focus and allows me to ‘be still’ even if it’s only for a few seconds. I will now be able to offer an alternative for those people who want to exercise at a slower pace while still feeling the benefits of movement.

I have really enjoyed this course and would highly recommend the UK College of Qigong to any FitPros who want to explore the possibilities of this form of exercise from the fitness perspective.”